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For starters, they build themselves to a point where they can successfully intimidate and jump queue. In this jungle someone is definitely above somebody with no exemption, all industries of human endeavor have lords, they are gods in Nigeria. If you are not connected to any of them and yo

Nigeria is now upside-down. Youths and infants are being killed daily, black markets harvesting  body parts and organs in the land (O! you think those body parts are for rituals only?). Nigeria have the largest market run by vultures. Vultures abound all over the world but Nigeria has two species, the largest of all and most dangerous kind of breeds: (1) These vultures don't feed on deadbodies/carcasses. They go for defenseless and harmless folks.  A honourable fellow is a threat,  definitely a target in communities, at "top levels", in homes amongst families irrespective of social and economic status - these specie don't feed on their prey, rather, they waste (kill), if they're gracious enough may render their prey useless till "thy kingdom come" for families to manage what's left of the person if there be any to salvage.  Others go all the way killing their host communities for no reason or for reasons best known to them, yet another new breed have come to kill, destroy and takeover...  backed by gods of the jungle   (2)  These other specie roost on graveyards for power, wealth or as mere business - dig up and sell to get by. They as well corroborate with the other specie to "harvest" from their own preys too - 'big business'. They are lesser goons.

Nigeria is a jungle. Intellectuals,  human assets - 'super sharp' minds rendered useless and have practically lost their minds, they are alive but 'dead', majority are voluntarily in exile. Business executives disappeared 8, 5, 3 years ago, it's been decades for some dead or alive no one knows, in Nigeria - either as a result of being seen as threat by contemporaries, family member(s) or by 'Nigeria'. Some disappeared and reappeared from only God knows where to no home, family or meaningful life, battered and disfigured beyond remedy and recognition.  Some families just won't accept their own back, in Nigeria.

In Nigeria everybody is lord over somebody, someone has connections to one 'god' at the top, every family have at least one self-acclaimed god and the fear of such gods is the beginning of wisdom.  It's so bad that Nigerians are completely silenced, suddenly turned "deaf and dumb" due to chronic psychological trauma, physical and mental abuse by powers that be... PTSD and Fear have sent many six feets below while the 'strong' ones are just living, 'wandering' and hoping for hope.  "Youths, leaders of tomorrow" is just a meaningless phrase. Nigerian Youths have no place in their own land and know not where they belong because elders of the land have 'destroyed' the land and devour  both the "Leadership" and "tomorrow" completely, so the youths are just there - much less unborn generation.

Every nation has its own problems no doubt but life isn't normal in Nigeria, people aren't just normal anymore, aren't doing normal jobs/business as should in sane environment. Dreams are being killed, if you like dream dreams a hundred times,  that dream will eventually die, you can never be "Joseph" in Nigeria, Nigeria will 'kill' your dreams if they choose not to maim you, keep your dream to yourself or take it elsewhere. Foreign investors are leaving,  entrapped gullible investors are still counting losses, still struggling to find their way out. Oh, most definitely Nigeria 'works', for those who sacrifice themselves or something to make it work, it usually begins with sacrificing conscience, a little compromise here and there depending on what business, job or industry and it progresses to whatever that person has to do to make it work or quit!

Nothing works normally in Nigeria. Many, very many people are living in their "past glory" "packaging"  themselves to impress/avoid shame. Nigeria is a jungle,  kill or be killed. Politically "holier-than-thou" smuggled their way to a camp that befits their strength and what they are good at, humans are political mammals - your level of strength/power determine your class or group, caucuses everywhere! Self acclaimed good ones struggle to at least survive by staying afloat holding tightly to their beliefs to avoid drowning or being drowned. If you're good, well qualified and you don't "belong/connect" directly or indirectly to one 'oga', most definitely your qualifications aren't complete.   For starters, they build themselves to a point where they can successfully intimidate and jump queue. In this jungle someone is definitely above somebody with no exemption, all industries of human endeavor have lords, they are gods in Nigeria. If you are not connected to any of them and you are making it, you must be one of a kind made by Most High God no doubt.

Nigerians are the most religious. You want to belong? Oh welcome! Just obey their rules and all commands. The closer or deeper you go in doctrines the more confused you get, if or when you begin to get more and more inquisitive, you'll be tagged "rebel", treat as such to a point of showing you the door not without some sort of "punishments" or you excommunicate yourself. For your sanity and spirituality - belong if you must, do your bits...

Be a "brother's keeper" they say...  Well, if you think Nigerians don't know anything or that they're less smart, probably because you're privileged and in a place of freedom,  (either knowingly or unknowingly treat Nigerians as idiots or nonentity) wait until you invite Nigerians or their youths to a table of "meal".  May God help you if you happen to be arrogant in nature (or seem to be). Hehehe, Nigerians go comot your hand from that meal o, they already know pass you sef, as you think say dem be mumu - Nigerians go behave like mumu for you! However, Nigerians aren't lazy, dumb or stupid. Na condition make crayfish bend. How come Nigerians behave right where systems work!  How come Nigerians exhibits their potentials lawfully and legitimately where system works!  Undoubtedly bad eggs will always remain bad, it's about self-will.

Some folks believe you are better-off. You should be responsible for their needs,  they believe it is your duty to solve their problems in most cases the problem is MONEY,  with no prior request/agreement - so self entitled. Others aren't happy with you because you don't meet their expectations though you gave willingly without knowing your story. Everyone feels entitled, they are right, you are wrong. No one trust anybody. If you don't meet their expectations then you're not on their side (figment of imagination in their heads cooked up to make a story), you must be one of those "monitoring spirits" - HOLY GHOST FIRE!!!   Poor you! lo and behold,  unknown to them you've been living life at your wit-end alone swimming in deep dirty pond for survival. Peradventure it so happen that they come across you in the middle of what looks like challenge, they laugh out loud and scream "KARMA!"  Whereas, they are better off. "Use or dump" syndrome. That's human generally.

Way out:

Life itself is completely a mystery and every person to his/her own.  If there be good elders and leaders in Nigeria please come together and do something for posterity...   To the reader, while in your lane, keep believing, be strong, you are your own security - don't give up. We will all get there...

Nigeria is complicated, life and living in Nigeria isn't safe any more. Nigeria is at war already.  Invaders are so grown and have declared war, now the center cannot hold.  Let every Nation forced into Nigeria go its way, habba! Nigeria is a sham.  Terms and Conditions (constitution) forced on the people is not working for the unity of the people. Give them the referendum they are asking for peacefully without manipulations.

In Conclusion:
In the midst of all these mess, it's best to be a sojourner in a foreign country with sound mind than live in a place where life has no meaning...
Just my random thoughts??‍♀️!

By the way; Mainstream media naija, how market?

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